5 Things Nigerian start-ups must define before hiring a PR firm

A lot of Nigerian start-ups or small business owners are in a hurry to hire a PR firm to launch their businesses. However, when these small business owners approach PR consultants seeking their services, more often than not, they are unfamiliar with the briefing process.

The relationship between any organisation and PR firm should kick off with a brief which should be written, not verbal.

A communications brief is a document that asks some basic questions about the business or organisation that would be required to develop a communications plan. It also ensures that both parties are protected by a clearly defined scope of work which may also be expressed into an agreement.

Here’s some information to have handy.

The business purpose

Defining what the business does and the purpose it serves is the first place to start. As simple as this sounds, lots of businesses find it difficult. The is essentially “why” you are in business or “why” your organisation exists. It could be the most important question you have to answer because therein lies your differentiator or unique value proposition and when it comes to encouraging customer trial or securing press, it is all important.

Organisational goals

In defining your business, you would identify as either a commercial business, non-profit or government agency. Whatever the case, every business must have goals. Are you set up to influence, meet a consumer need or bridge a gap? What targets will help you achieve these? Clearly defined organisational goals will help the PR firm develop programmes that can deliver on those goals.

Audience and stakeholders

Who are the customers or groups you intend to serve and who is likely to influence your business or organisation positively or negatively? Note that different groups and audiences have varied needs and interests, so it is also important to segment your audience and identify those who are critical to your business or organisational success and target them accordingly.

Products and services

Don’t just provide product descriptions, highlight product uniqueness. How does your product compare to what is offered by your competitors? Or what does your organisation do differently? These will enable the PR firm to build meaningful campaigns for your business.

Core message

This is the heart and soul of your organisation. It is the central message your audience should take away from your communication or the way you wish to be perceived. Core messages can be built around values, unique value propositions or brand personas.

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