Five ways AI will empower PR practitioners in 2024

This time last year, Public Relations (PR) practitioners world-over panicked. Why? They heard or read that ChatGPT would take their jobs. But after months of exploring the use of ChatGPT and studying the subject of generative artificial intelligence (AI), most PR pros realised that they had been using AI if they had used Grammarly to proofread their work, created content using Canva, repurposed content with Lumen or scheduled a social media post. Now, more practitioners see generative AI as a friend and not a foe.

In 2024, more people will embrace the use of generative AI, and here are five ways it will empower PR practitioners.

  • Generating ideas – This one is obvious. The tools we are familiar with are embedded with generative AI capabilities, after all. AI tools can assist PR professionals in generating ideas for blog posts, writing headlines and refining them. However, it is noteworthy that human intuition still plays a crucial role in the idea generation process. To make the most of AI tools, inputting the correct query and creating a suitable context is essential. While AI can generate ideas, it is important for PR practitioners to critically assess them and fine-tune them as needed, as AI responses can sometimes be mechanical.

  • Content creation – As public relations practitioners increasingly adopt content creation tools such as Canva and Lumen, the developers of these tools are incorporating AI to improve their functionality and capabilities. In 2023, Canva introduced new features like Magic Studio and Color Edit, which have garnered interest from users.

  • Better understanding of audiences – With the increased use of AI will come improved data analytics. PR pros will be better able to analyse audience demographics, interests and behaviours.

  • Reporting and data visualisation – Data visualisation enables businesses to communicate complex information in a simplified manner, and the simplification of messages is at the heart of PR. With access to more AI-powered tools, practitioners can convert data into infographics and other pictorial forms of communication much quicker.

  • Crisis management – Every good thing that has shortcomings. AI is not an exception. As content creation becomes easier, the risk of misinformation and disinformation also increases. As with content creation tools, several social listening tools are AI-powered. These tools allow organisations to quickly identify potential issues and address them before they escalate into a crisis.

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