How to use PR to inspire inclusion

Today is International Women’s Day and we are celebrating it with the theme, Inspire Inclusion. The day marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity and this year’s theme aims to ensure that the needs, interests, and aspirations of women and girls are rightly valued and included.

Businesses can use public relations (PR) to inspire inclusion by creating employee campaigns, community outreaches, and corporate social responsibility (CSR) programmes focused on women. Here are some ideas to consider:

  • Showcase underrepresented voices within the organisation – Highlighting the voices of those who are often overlooked is an important move towards creating a diverse and inclusive environment within the organisation.
  • Employee relations and engagement – Businesses can commit to recruiting and retaining women in leadership and decision-making positions. Furthermore, by celebrating female leaders within the organisation, the business will inspire younger women to aspire to leadership positions.
  • Community relations – Consider the use of PR techniques like sponsorship to inspire inclusion. For instance, the sponsoring activities within host communities that promote the well-being of women.
  • Corporate social responsibility – Through CSR programmes, businesses can create avenues for women to be economically empowered. Adopting a strategic approach to CSR will create shared value for the organisation and women impacted.

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