Tag Archives: Small business

Three ways to harness content for business growth

The talk about content can be overwhelming for small business owners but the reality is that the future is digital and having your own media is no longer a fad but a necessity. Ideally, your own media should be a medium under your control such as a website or blog. However, as a small business […]

Nigerian tech start-ups, forget the hype and adopt CSR

Nigerian tech start-ups have embraced public relations (PR) in an impressive yet uncharacteristic way. It is uncharacteristic because, in this market, start-ups do not care about brand building. All they want to do is sell, and they often turn to digital marketing to drive sales. How this interest in PR amongst Nigerian founders came to […]

How to set aside a PR budget for the new year

As the year draws to a close, it is time to begin to think about what your business would like to achieve in the new year. Before the festivities kick in, have a budget planning session which will enable you identify business objectives and a budget that will drive those objectives. Finalising a plan and […]

Five PR channels to promote your brand

When you ask most individuals what is the most important thing required to start a business, they say funding. When you ask what they require to grow their business, they say funding. Money will never be enough for any business irrespective of size, so the secret is to prioritise and to learn to scale and […]

Brand Spark is committed to ensuring protection of all personal information that we hold, and to provide and to protect all such data. We recognise our obligations in updating and expanding this program to meet the requirements of GDPR.